better living through tiny pills (and large grapefruits)

May 01, 2010 09:37

A while ago I was going to start using twitter and then I stopped because I was going to try to use a private twitter account to keep a record of when I felt fatigued. Last night I realized that it seems I haven't really been feeling that kind of fatigue in a while - I haven't tweeted anything about it. Granted, it might be the wired anxiety of the past week and a half counteracting any tiredness, but I prefer to think the iron (and maybe vitamin D) supplements are doing their magic.  Yay.  YAY.

n.b. to people reading this: serum ferritin levels can matter even if you have lots of hemoglobin.  At least that's what my anecdata says.
n.b. n.b.: "anecdata" is an awesome word

*I take iron with vitamin C and also often try to eat a grapefruit (yes, a whole one, they're delicious and only 50 cents and why bother storing half in the fridge?) around the same time.

x y, x_yy

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