
Apr 20, 2010 18:48

For anyone following this story ("Sonoma County CA separates elderly gay couple and sells all of their worldly possessions"), apparently some of it is just humanity being inhuman; Scull and Greene had a home full of priceless antiques, and morally bankrupt Sonoma County representatives saw an opportunity to go in and loot their house. It seems like lots of shitty things happened, like officials somehow compelling a dying, dementia-stricken man to appoint a conservator of his estate even though he had a partner, and then people lying to courts to say that that partner had dementia himself and having him locked up in a dementia ward.

There's a PDF of the complaint (very long) filed here.

How can people do that? What in the world is going on in their heads to be so disrespectful to elderly people?

x y, x_yy

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