salad savoy is tasty! And pretty. I bought it because it was pretty and cheap and green (well, green and purple, for this variety), but it tastes good too. Yay!
It's not a new year's resolution per se, but I'm trying to eat more green stuff. I like vegetables. I feel better when I eat them. They're healthy. There is no reason I should be eating them so infrequently.
I'm not always eager to eat raw veggies in the wintertime, partly because it's cold and they're usually cold and it's especially unpleasant when they're a bit wet from having been washed. So I went against everything that is holy and stuck my bowl of savoy and green peppers in the microwave for 30 seconds to take the chill off. I think next time I'll do it for a slightly shorter time, but all in all? It's a solution.