Schedule Update...

Jan 22, 2008 15:41

Because, I have my priorities straight, I rearranged my spring schedule so that the latest I am on campus is 2:30pm. LOL. I figure this allows a little more driving time for days which require long drives.

9:50am - 12:50pm // Screenwriting // MU-002
1:10pm - 2:30pm // Nature of Politics // SC-135 **

9:50am - 11:10am // Later Romantic Lit. // MU-301
11:30am - 12:50pm // Creative Writing Nonfiction // MU-002
1:10pm - 2:30pm // Shakespeare: Jacobean Plays // SC-135

10:55am - 12:15pm // Nature of Politics (recitation) // HCK-112 **
1:10pm - 2:30pm // Nature of Politics // SC-135 **

1:10pm - 2:30pm // Shakespeare: Jacobean Plays // SC-135

9:50am - 11:10am // Later Romantic Lit. // MU-301
11:30am - 12:50pm // Creative Writing Nonfiction // MU-002

** = I don't have to attend; I'm opting for an independent study instead because PoliSci 101 would have killed me with boredom. So, even though RU thinks I have class on Wednesday, I don't.

I also opted for part two of the Shakespeare class I was taking last semester instead of some random history class because (a) I liked the professor, (b) I had room in my schedule, (c) I know what to expect, and (d) it gets out at 2:30pm rather than 4:10pm, hahaha.

This is the first entry that won't be friends only since November, I think. Hahaha. Weird.
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