Jul 03, 2007 18:52
I've been sick since I got back from...Ohio. It's a pretty nice little cold and it's been kicking my ass for days now. Boo. It's leaving my feeling tired all the time on top of the constant coughing and snuffling. I hope it goes away soon.
So, I managed to get out of bed today and I went online for a bit. I had intended on working a little on my new short story. Of course, I can't write without music, so I opened iTunes to get a playlist going. iTunes told me it was time for an update and since I had the time, I figured I'd update my software now instead of waiting for later. When my computer restarted, I opened iTunes back up to pick up where I'd left off...and my music library was gone. No idea why. It was totally erased.
I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting through my music files and finding all the important shit. A few hours later I had what appeared to be a pretty good sized music library, though still far short of what it had been. CopyPod is most likely in my future. Since I don't know why iTunes erased my library, I'm afraid it'll fuck up the music on my iPod too so I don't want to plug in my iPod. I don't feel like working on it anymore today, though. That'll be a chore for later in the week.
On the bright side, I didn't lose anything important. My entire KD library - though somewhat disorganized - was saved in various folders and I don't think I'm missing anything. All my life recordings and weird shit are safe and sound. Thankfully. For a while I couldn't find my "Lord, I Know We Don't Talk" sung by Paul Schalda, but I found it. :D
Anyway, hopefully this cold is better before fireworks and hangs tomorrow...or at least before Saturday. I want to be able to hang with Katharine when she graces Jersey with her presence! <3 Someone put me in a good mood, please.
I'm tired. Time for some dinner, some Mets, and some more sleep.