War Is Peace?

Feb 26, 2014 10:26

Anyone who can read, have heard the phrase use in the tag from "1984". But old good George in his blessed 1949 could never imagine that exactly 30 years from the date of his dystopian novel the reality will not only match, but far surpasses the absurdity of his imaginary hell.

And here's the example - http://stopcensorship.wordpress.com/ . In case you do not read Ukrainian (or do not read at all)  - here's the gist - the so called civil society movement "Stop Censorship" (note the name!) that supposedly comprises of "free" journalists, and played a big part in the current "revolution" in Ukraine, demands to introduce the "responsibility of the media for the censorship,  lies and inciting of hatred" in the media - or in other words for introduction of censorship in the media. They go even further publishing the list of names of the journalists and media that does not fall in line with their understanding of the truth. The new proscription lists, I guess, where would the revolution or freedom be without them?

Mr. Atiem Sokolenko clearly believes that censorship is not acceptable only in the case of airing his own and his cronies delusions, as for the rest, "there are two opinions on this matter - mine and the incorrect one."
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