Hate the Game.

Feb 21, 2013 12:05

It is the fourth day the BBC news programmes are dominated by the reports about the sad case of Oscar Pistorius’ crime and his impending trial. In fact at least 20% of air time in an average news issue goes to this affair (for a few days now).

Sad and unfortunate as it is (and possibly worth mentioning in the news when it actually happened), this whole frenzy seems to be blown out of all proportions. Just a quick reminder to the BBC - this whole thing happened in South Africa! It seems to be a result of inadequate actions of ONE person in a country riddled with gun violence and crime. Isn’t there anything else more important and closer to home happening right now? Like a “velvet revolution” in Bulgaria (a member of EU by the way) which led to the collapse of the government there, or more civil unrest in Greece? How about a shooting in South London the other day with two innocent people killed? None of those things, in view of BBC editorial staff, deserve even a mention in despatches. No surprise that more and more people turn to RT for the news (18 month ago I did not believe I would have sad this, but now more and more people I know actually mention RT).

Now with the British public’s apparent disrespect and distrust of journalist (72% of the public do not believe that they tell the truth) - http://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/3133/Politicians-trusted-less-than-estate-agents-bankers-and-journalists.aspx it is an interesting an still unanswered question   -“What do we pay our licence fee for?”. Possibly the root of the problem and the blame should not be with the journalists per say, after all, it was them who uncovered and brought us the “MPs Expenses Scandal” and it was them (at least part of them) who helped in uncovering the mysteries of extrajudicial detainments and Guantanamo prison. Journalists are a very wide community, and many of them still have some lofty ideas, and do try to uncover their version of truth …… from time to time. Most likely the problem and the blame for the sad state of affairs is not with them. It is with the editorial staff. They decide which news gets time and how much of it, so the “bucket” stays with them. They set the rules and hole the bank. They are the game. The journalists are just its players. So, do not hate them - hate the game.
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