Yet another rant

Mar 25, 2011 09:47

It seems that I do have some spare time on my hands today, and can post yet another rant about the “cruel world”...

Well this time it will be about budget again. Why? I just hate when they take me for a fool. After all it is just plain impolite. May be the indigenous population of this island is used to this kind of treatment and takes it for granted, but for the relative newcomers like myself it is cringe worthy.

First and foremost is the new slogan from the Conservatives about “Made in Britain”. The first reaction is actually very positive - one would think; “Finally, someone with brains! “. But wait a minute. Isn’t it coming from the head of the party that presided in the 80s over the expulsion of all possible kind of industries out of this country? The party that turned the once workshop of Europe into its coffee-shop? And its population of craftsmen into the population of chavs? And let’s face it - the Labour binge of the last 15 years would not have happened without their silent agreement. Can we trust them? Do they know what they are talking about?

And a 1p decrease in fuel duty, is RICH! 40% of London’s population do not have a car, many because the politicians were doing their utmost to persuade us to “go green”. Cheers Dave and Ozzy! Much obliged.

And finally, who’s going to pay for the recent Libyan adventure? Who is paying for the cruise missiles ( a million bucks a pop) shot at Tripoli? No one mentioned it in their budget announcement. Is there a provision for that? Where the money will come from?
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