Jun 10, 2005 22:59
well everyone one i am Marlina. As everyone one knows i was in love with miguel. I mean he cheated on me so many times and me like a stupid ass i would always take him back and since he knew that he would keep doing it over and over.
Once he went into high school o FINALLY realized that i wouldnt work. Over the summer i got over him. Because of him i thought all guyz were the same so i didnt care about ne body after miguel.
When i went back into school, I started talking to a guy named Isaac, i loved him but i didnt love him. I thought he was cute and at times he treATED me good. We were tpgether for bout 3 months on and off. After knowing me and Isaac were over i met a guy that was so perfect and just the sweetes, OMAR.
We met in Ms. Kisers class ( she was such a trip) durning the taks. She had moved me next to him becasue i was talking. When she told me to move by him i was like OMG i dont know him. We started talking to each other, and all i could remember is his wonderful smile and just everything bout him. I thought he was a little cute one. After talking to him for a while i started to like him and i told Ashley and she told everyone and omar found out. People started to ask him who he liked and he woouldnt answer. I didnt think he like me until my best friend Nick told me he did. He asked me out and i was so happy because i knew he was a great guy but at the same time i didnt care cuz i thought he was just like Miguel. After being with omar for a while Isaac started talking to me and writing me letters. He would tell me to brake up with omar because he still liked me and in a way but not really i liked Isaac too. So i broke up with Omar and i went out with Isaac, which i know sounds terrible but i thought if guyz did it to y cant i do it back.
In 3 weeks or so Isaac broke up with me for a nother gurl, i guess i diserved it. I knew that Omar stilled liked me because everyone would tell me that he was obssessed withg me and i took advantege of him and i know i shouldnt of. During the 2004 summer i wsa thinking bout Omar and the way he was with me and i knew that i still liked him and had fellings for him.
Going into high school io was dateing Sergio but i broke up with him because i wanted to know new people. He started talking crap bout me and telling his friends that he still liked me and i was like whatever. Even though he talked bout me i would still talk to him and Omar ( i started talking to him when i went back to school) said why i still talk to him if he says things and that i should stop because he still liked me. In a way Omar would get mad because he thouhgt i liked sergio when he damn knew i liked him. so ne ways i stoped talkig to sergio. Omar and me started talking to each other alot more, he would tell Vanessa that he would never get over me and that he liked me some much. I told Vanessa that he should get over me because i didnt want to hurt him again. i know stupid of me. Omar kept refusing to stop liking me. Vanessa wold always tell just the sweetest things that he would say bout me and it would make me fell good about myself. After a while i had him for my forth period, and he sat right in front of me. When he would look into my eyes i felt look and when he would touch me i would get this wired feeling like butterflys in my tummy. And one day he kissed me on my lips and when he did i felt insied that i wanted to be with him.
to be continued......................................