Jun 29, 2008 15:36

Is there really such a thing as coincidence?

I think God is just so marvelous, the way He has planned everything to be, He has simply proven himself of being so great and powerful. I'm seriously grateful of what He's given me, my life, my family, my friends, my opportunities. Come to think of it, He has never ever failed me once. Never. Sometimes, I tell myself, I don't deserve this much, and I question myself, what makes me worthy of all of His unconditional love. I gotta admit, I was never a good Christian, but then again, I never lost faith in Him. It's surprising how I can find so much solace and peace in Him, how I can just let my tears run down whenever I pray to Him, how I feel so good after praying to him every night. He is really really awesome I guess.

I'm finally reading the book Winnie got me before I left for Melbourne. And just into the first few pages, it got me thinking and I had to stop to digest the thoughts that ran into my head. It seems like God is speaking to me, because just last night, I was telling Him to be with me, to guide me in the process of finding my inner self over the next 2 weeks while everyone's back home. Those words that I read, they perfectly described to me how I've actually been feeling ever since I left home to this new life in a foreign country, and also how I've gradually changed to become who I am right now.

On a lighter note, hopefully I'll do some proper updates and catch up with the lovelies back home within the next 2 weeks as well. I miss you guys so damn much, I can't wait for December to come come come. I'm missing my parents back in HK as well. It was kinda relieving to hear from them yesterday that everyone's moving on well. I'm just wishing I could be back home to be more involved in everybody's lives. But hey, I chose this path for myself didn't I? There's just no more turning back, so it's time to face it.
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