
Dec 24, 2002 16:47

Alouette, gentille alouette, alouette, j'etais plumerai ...

Today's date: December 24, 2002
The time: 4:47 PM eastern
Full name: Valerie Lynn Locker
Screen names: killthecopier
What do they mean? Ever seen Office Space ?
Birthday: March 24, 1987
What's your zodiac sign: hardcore ARIES
How old are you: but fifteen
Height: 5'8 or so.
Eye color: Blue. Very very blue.
Hair color: some sort of brownish blondish thing goin.
Shoe size: 10 1/2. Oh wait. THEY DON'T MAKE 10 1/2'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JKDLJALKJDLJFLDJ FLD JF! Bastards.
Nicknames: Val.
Hometown: Je suis un Windsarianite.
Birthplace: Hartford, CT
Describe your house: One of the million Koosh houses. Medium, dark brown, and always messy. Also stockpiled with food.
Have a job: oh boo.
Pets: cats - Callie and Tigger, lizard - Yoshi
Piercings: I don't even have my eares pierced. I personally don't see a need to have metal pierce through my skin without an acceptable reason.
What nationality are you? My families have been American for generations. Somewhere there's Polish and English.
Do you get along with your parents: Yes. Except when my mom goes spazzing out saying clean this clean that ... oh my God it's so annoying. Ask Dan.
What's your bedtime: I don't have a bedtime, just curfews. Ten schoolnight, and eleven weekend unless they know where I am.
What's your most humiliating moment: I made a pretty damn big fool of myself at West Point a few times.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, reading some more, music, sleeping ... bowling. Mwahahaha.
Tats: Funny.


shoe brand: Brooks
food: chinese !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
color: dark blues, black, silver
singer/band: Bad Religion, Greg Graffin - and I love Jason Wade's voice
vacation spot: I want to go back to Alaska and try New Zealand.
relative: brotherS (two of them!) Dan and Drew, Liv and Jason my cousin
game: Trivial Pursuit. Mwhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah.
subject: English or ART.
pop: soda ?!?! No way. Never.
body part: Frame.
TV show: Don't watch tv, just movies.
movie: Dogma, Donnie Darko, Good Will Hunting, Fight Club
type of music: whatever kind of rock
cd: mp3 list
place to eat: chinese
alcoholic drink: alcohol = ... blech.
commercial: i don't watch tv ... but that one wife broke the washer with sledgehammer, that was pretty funny.
quote: too many ... one - As soon as you feel you're too old to do something, do it. from a fortune cookie.
place to be: je ne sais pas
person: ::sigh::
girls name: Valerie
guys name: Cyrus, Sean
number: 298

Have you ever.........

..........gotten drunk? No. I can't even get myself to swallow more than a little bit of that revolting alcohol.
..........broken the law? Yessir.
..........ran away from home? The doggie told me to go back. Trust me, I was an odd child.
..........snuck out? Never had to.
..........broken a bone? Nope.
..........cheated on a test? Probably.
..........eaten a worm? haha.
..........bungee jumped? Nope
..........skinny dipped? Haha! Yeah.
..........had a medical emergency? Yes ... whoops.
..........gone an extended period of time w/ out shaving? Legs, yes.
..........been on stage? Yes! A few times. Mwhahaha.

Do you believe in.......... @ first sight? Nope
..........horoscopes? That and the OUIJA board. Come to me Kevin Hmelovski (sp?!?)
..........ghosts? Nope
..........heaven? NO.
..........hell? No.
..........afterlife? No.
..........reincarnation? No.
..........yourself? When the need occurs.

Which is better........

fruist or vegetables? fruits!
veggie soup or chicken noodle? Chicken Noodle
boxers or briefs? Boxers
curly or straight hair? whatever goes
deaf or blind? deaf. I never want to loose my sight. it's an irrational fear of mine.
night or day? Night
hugs or kisses? Oodles of Noodles.
cats or dogs? Cats !
complex or simple? Complex, usually. More challenging, more fun.
nacho cheese or cooler ranch? Cooler ranch !
electric side or Macarena? That other one ... chacha now ya'll. chacha agin ! haha. hardcore.
x's or o's? cheetos !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ketchup or mustard? jalapenos drool
crushed or cubed? Cubed, always ! When I run out of water - which I always do - the ice is my last resort.
1 or 2 pillows? only one
aol or phone? i don't really like the phone
coffee or hot choco? hot chocolate all the way !
chocolates or flowers? oh ... god ... this is such a hard question !
white or black? black - always dark colors
taken or single? Certainly single
gay or straight? Straight ... "Val's crooked. She's not straight. It's a groovin granny!"
righty or lefty? Righty. haha.
silver or gold? silver. no contest.
red or blue? Blue.
pen or pencil? depends what I'm doing.
wool or cotton? Cotton
rose or lily? Rose. My fav flower.
private or public skewl? I go to public sCHOOl, and look, I STILL know how to spell the word. Isn't that amazing?
history or science? Neither.

The future........

what college do you wanna go to? No clue.
where do you wanna live? ...
do you want to get married? Preferably.
what about kids? ... cringe.

The opposite sex..........

what do you first notice? Frame, jaw and smile.
what is a must-have personality trait? Intelligence.
the thing you love most about the opposite sex? ... the whole not holding back when they eat. mMmm food.

last time you.......

.....cried? sometime recently ... and i don't cry often.
.....helped someone? My mom many times today
.....not known the answer in class? Don't remember
.....dissected something? a chicken wing in seventh grade.
.....worn a skirt? last friday, rehearsal dinner, dress last sat.
.....been sarcastic? Hahahahaha.
.....gone for a walk? Not for a while. Sucks majorly. =(
.....gone to the movies? Two towers, Sunday night.
.....gone out for dinner? Last Friday. Rehearsal dinner.
.....been kissed? Like... June.
.....felt stupid? Always.
.....written a paper? Murphree paper last week.
.....taken a test? last Thursday
.....met someone new? many at the wedding
.....laughed? sometime today
.....written in a journal? in MY journal ... wow ... not for a few weeks I don't think. It's in my room somewhere still open.
.....talked to someone you had a crush on? ... I plead the fifth.
.....given someone a present? Liv, at her wedding.
.....missed someone? ... now it's constantly
.....hugged someone? Last night
.....showered? this morning

General "?"s

are you hungry? always ...
what is something your good at? I thought I was good at writing ... but I don't know anymore.
what are your plans for tomorrow? Tomorrow is Christmas.
what is something you are looking forward to in your life? Being proud of myself.
are you happy? Most of the time.
are you lonely? yeah ...
are you popular? Ha.
are you eating? no. =(
how are you feeling right now? This survey is depressing me. Well, not really.
have you ever wanted to commit suicide? Never.
do you know anybody that has tried? yes.
what's your biggest fear? nuclear fall out ... or biochemical warfare, disease that travels through the air.
what pisses you off the most about people? ... Far too many things.
have you ever been out of the country? through Canada to Alaska


mom's full name: Judy Solomon (maiden) Locker
dad's full name: William James Locker
siblings? Dan Liv and Drew !
how many grandparents are living physically? one ...
how many cousin's do you have? six
do any relatives live out of town? Every single one of them.


where do you go to school ? WHS
what grade are you in? tenth
what classes do you take? Am. Lit, Us History, Algebra II and Chem HH, then French 3 H and 2D design
do you like school? whatever
what does your school look like? .... HAHAHAHAHA. we're not demolished anymore.
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