May 23, 2007 15:52
I was looking thru the old issues of "Formula" magazine, and found a CURIOUS article i didn't pay attention to earlier. I was SO delighted that even found the information in English, too ^_^ Enjoy :)
Шестикратный чемпион мира по автогонкам в классе машин "Формула-1" Михаэль Шумахер подрался со своим главным соперником Кими Райкконеном из команды "Макларен", сообщает РИА "Новости" со ссылкой на монреальскую газету "Journal de Montreal".
По данным газеты, инцидент произошел после заключительного этапа сезона - Гран-при Японии. Райкконен, упустивший победу в чемпионате в последней гонке сезона, подошел к Шумахеру и сказал: "Ты мой кумир, но мне не нравится, как ты себя ведешь!". Увидев, что тот не отвечает, он повторил сказанное еще несколько раз, а потом схватил "Красного Барона" за грудки.
Шумахер вскипел, между гонщиками завязалась потасовка. Их бросились разнимать механики обеих команд - "Феррари" и "Макларена". Но это не помогло, и скандал вспыхнул с новой силой, пишет "Journal de Montreal".
Обе команды попытались сохранить неприятный инцидент в тайне, но его очевидцами были канадские журналисты, которые засвидетельствовали, что благодаря вмешательству спортивного директора "Феррари" Жана Тодта гонщикам, в конце концов, все же удалось помириться.
Schumacher and Raikkonen come to blows
- Journal de Montreal
- Tokyo Times
- SportNews
- Libération
SUZUKA - The party of end of season in which the pilots took part alongside team personnel, in the night of Sunday to Monday, didn'tturn out well.
Michael Schumacher and Kimi Raikkonen came from there to the blows, revealed us three different sources.
MC Laren employees, at the Naogya station, revealed that twice during the evening, Raikonnen and Schumacher fighted.
The first row occurred inside Campanella, where the party proceeded.
A sharp dispute occurred between the two men when an obvioulsy drunken Raikkonen went to see Schumacher and said: "You are my god, but I do not like the way in which you behave", he repeated this several times again and again, before clinging to the Ferrari pilot, who extremelly surprised whilst talking with a friend of the Toyota team, started to struggle with strength.
Schumacher also, had largely drunk that evening, as various sources confirm.
Later, the two men found themselves outside the party to try to clarify the situation and, but this time, the row was even more violent.
The personnel of the two teams were forced to intervene to separate the two pilots.
"There was much breakage", declared an employee of McLaren.
Contacted yesterday in Italy where he had just returned, Montréalais Gino Rosato did not want to comment on the incident, but he confirmed it.
Rosato is somehow in charge for the safety of Schumacher, within the Ferrari team - and he obviously found himself in the middle of this unusual brawl.
"All that I can say, it is that at a certain moment of the evening, Mr. Todt asked me to sit down beside Michael and not leave him at any circumstances", declared Rosato.
At dawn, Schumacher and Raikkonen were finally sitting at the same table. Firmly surrounded, they discussed during good half an hour and have managed to settle their disagreement.
Michael Schumacher was said to be very exhausted that night, which might explain the violent altercation with a drunken Raikonnen.
André Darieux, Ferrari "Schumacher did not seem to enjoy the fact that he had just beaten the record of legendary Fangio. - he told me "I cannot be delighted, I am tired too much" - so i bieleve that adding this tiredness to the effects of surrounding noice and the drinks of victory, brought everyone in an unberstandable ivresse, which eventually led to a row between Raikonnen and Schumacher"
A french source gives even more detail:
Kimi Raikonnen s'est approché de Schumacher et a declaré a plusieurs reprises d'une voix apparemment alterée par l'ivresse « Tu es mon idole, mais je n’aime pas la façon dont tu te comportes ». Tenant difficilement sur ses jambes, il s'est ensuite accroché au cou de Schumacher, avant de s’accrocher au pilote de Ferrari, qui a commencé à se débattre avec vigueur.
aren't they sweet?))) somebody, please, oh, please, write a fic!!))