Two Signal Boosts and a YouTube vid

Sep 11, 2011 12:02

TWO Signal Boosts! And an animated thing from a year ago but whatever, it's still good.


One of my friends is being fucked over hard by SSI/SSDI and in danger of getting their medical coverage, which is desperately needed, cut off.

A few points from subluxate:

So this week, I received a notice that my Medicare premium payment is due. For, basically, July 1 through December 31.

This totals $807.80.

Right now, the last payment I received was in May, around May 3. That's four months without payments. Four months of asking my family and friends and complete strangers for help paying rent and bills. Four months that total $2,791.20 that Social Security has not sent me.

I'm not asking, at this time, for donations. I am, however, asking for advice. What should my next step be? Who should I contact? Do I need to email my state representative's office, too, about the Medicaid issue? Should I find a news outlet? What do I do?

ENTIRE POST with more information on what's happening and what they've done so far. Please read this, please signal boost this, please check out help_kelly and offer your fic, graphics, or anything (there's a miscellaneous post too). Please bid, too, if you can! A few dollars can really help. There's a post on Tumblr for reblogging here, and a Tweet to RT here.


djinni is having another (Free) Icon Day. First one's free, and tips have reached the minimum so all icons will be watercoloured. I'm pretty sure tips will reach the minimum so that everyone who tipped gets a second icon. I do encourage tipping, even if it's just $2-3, because I believe in, you know, feeding artists and keeping them well-supplied, especially ones who do nice things for free like this using their own materials, and every little bit helps and adds up after a while. If nothing else, it's fun to see all the icons in one big batch. (I believe requests will be open until Tuesday, but double-check to make sure!)

Animated thing: "Thought of You" by Ryan Woodward (who did that lovely Martha Graham Google logo several months ago).

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