See you next week!

Nov 22, 2011 21:56

Have been down and out for the last couple days due to a viral infection of some kind. (Originally I thought it was food poisoning, but my 102 fever said otherwise.) Tomorrow, I pick up D from LAX airport, and I will be mostly gone from the internet until next Tuesday.

Some things:

HuffPo: LGBT Leadership: Split Hairs and Burnt Bodies, about ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

choraii November 23 2011, 06:25:53 UTC
Are you feeling better enough now?

I'm kind of doing a drive-by comment since I don't have time to read articles right now, but I did want to check on how you're feeling. I miss you!


balloonhat November 23 2011, 06:44:40 UTC
Yesterday was the worst of it; I'm feeling better today, but not completely so. I don't think I'll be 100% by tomorrow, but I should be okay enough to pick D up from airport then crash at the hotel. I'll be mad if I miss out on all the delicious Indian food there though.

Miss you too! <3


osprey_archer November 23 2011, 14:00:48 UTC
I want to watch that Muppets video so bad right now. But I think watching a song called "Fuck You" while at work in an elementary school might be a bad idea.

Also, WTF, Russia?

Hope you have a good weekend!


balloonhat November 23 2011, 14:30:34 UTC
It's not a video (unfortunately), just a song. And since it's just sung by the chickens, there's no lyrics - just a bunch of bok bok bok bok. The link also calls the song by its clean version - Forget You.


zeitgeistic November 23 2011, 19:23:00 UTC
Hope you're feeling better and enjoy your holidays!


vivaciousmuse November 24 2011, 05:36:07 UTC
I hope you feel better!


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