Sep 06, 2006 18:47
Well today was flippin awesome..and
yes..i just said flipping..lolI have a new boyfriend..his name is Eduardo...yep yup...:)
he's really nice.....
I'm his first girlfriend this must be interesting.....
yea...he's really smart..makes me look like a complete n00b...
i guess that's just my new motivation so i can do better in
well anywho..I'm gonna go for now..peace out n00bs...
Audrey :)
Love Compatibility of Sagittarius with Aquarius
When Sagittarians and Aquarians hook up, it's an almost-perfect blend of fire and air. Aquarius is unique and creative, and with them, you feel like your always on the cutting edge. Your partner will fan the flames of your big ideas with their unusual airy excitement. Together, you share an intellectual world of ideas. If the physical part doesn't come - and it might not - you'll still be terrific friends. The only downside is that neither of you have your feet planted firmly on the ground. Someone will need to take the lead when it comes to stability.
Love Compatibility of Aquarius with Sagittarius
You are innovative and unique, Aquarius. You are usually attracted to people who share your core beliefs, as long as you believe them to be intelligent, open-minded, compassionate and well-intentioned. When you meet a Sagittarius, you are instantly attracted to them on a mental level. With an Archer, you'll have a solid friendship and remain loyal through thick and thin. Since you're not a particularly emotionally-charged person, you tend to relate to others through rational thought... and rationally, Sagittarius scores enough points to win your heart.