what do u do wen u dont have the touch. of the one u love. u feel lost n delerus wn u dont feel her kiss. y do i still love her wen she broe my heart in a million peices. even after the pain she put me threw. i long to be with her. y cant i jus 4get about her. she has no clue the feeling that i have inside. its ascarry feeling. 4 i kno that in order to get over her i must turn the love i have 4 her into hate. n i cud never hate her. she makes me weik. lyk she has me under a spell. running wen she calls. n torn aport wen she pushes me away. it a never ending game. i find myslef constantly running after her. there is no1 lyk her. her kiss is out of this world. nutthin lyk the rest. her hugs her touch even jus a smile. can mean the world to me.it sux to be in love n no loved bak. we dont talk much now adays. yet i find my slef thinking of her. shes takes up most of my thoguhts its a constant battle tryin to consintrate on m everyday life n gettin lost in pas memmories that her n i have shared. i constantly question meself. if shes the one. will we be 2gether further int he future. how can i get theses feeling that i have 4 her if it wasnt real. was i ment to have all this pain. is there sumthing that im jsu not seing. shes an addiction n i shud let her go. yet without her i jus cant be. its almost lyk a crack addict without his every day releif. he wud give the world 4 it. as i wud 4 her. i wud runn aorund the world n bak jus to be by her side. i had the stength unuf to trust her with my all n let her into a place wer no other has been b4. n she never realized how vonerable that made me. n her thinking that it was ok. she jus tor my heart ino a million peices. n yet i can still love her wit each n every piece. wen u love sumone they become ur weakness. ull 4give them even if u kno tis not good 4 u. i 4give her 4 all her lies. ill do anyhitng to make us work. to go bak in time to the love that was once so amazing. the love that not manny can find..we never talk yet i need her kiss her touch. to see her smile. i miss our son. i need him jus as much as i need her. how much i wish we can go bak to the picturperfect family w3 once had..n the funni thing is that i kno im feeling theses feeling. n right now shes more then lykely not even thining of me. i spend one day in to the next dieing 4 her. n 2 her im not even a misserable thought. she can give 3 wether im here or not. welll imma go call her n see if shes ok. im missen her lyk crazzi bye u guys. nene n nena 4lyf niggah. i love jessy no lie.. n dats 4rl..