Down by the river...down by the banks of the river Charles.

Jun 25, 2007 12:04

It is blazing hot here today in Mass, but the sea breeze is kicking the air around a bit and making it quite bearble. I still haven't gotten off my arse to get ready for the beach, so I may just thunk myself down on my folks' front lawn with a book and a Captain Morgan and do absolutely nothing for a change. I'm planning to see AWE again tonight (free passes because the last showing I went to here broke down...whoops) if I can find someone to scrape me off the lawn and shovel me into my long-suffering car.

Last night I watched Elizabethtown for the first time, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Orli's odd little American accent made me grin like a fool, and I really liked the character he played--a bright young man who has had his career effectively 'killed' by a massive marketing blunder, and must suddenly, in the midst of his own private turmoil, plan and execute his (somehwat estranged) father's funeral and burial. It wasn't a perfect film, and it had some contrived and wince-worthy lines, but overall it was a delightful way to spend a handful of hours. I may have to buy it on DVD.

Alright. Think I'll have a shower and go from there.

Also: I seem to have misplaced one of my cats in this house.
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