Dec 15, 2005 15:27
I have just been going non-stop for what feels like weeks! I feel like now I am even busier than when I worked crazy hours at the restaurant. I think it's because I'm making an effort to keep in touch with those friends from Gallagher's that I don't see anymore. Before, when I worked there, I saw them all the time and there was no need to really hang out outside of work all that much. Now I don't see them so I'm getting out more to do just that. It's been really good. Plus I'm heading back to my women's group through church every other week. Also a good thing.
I was supposed to have learned a dance for ballet tonight. I have just procrastinated learning it. I just haven't cared. I think it's because I've been so busy that when I've had time to relax, I haven't wanted to learn ballet choreography, I've just wanted to relax and watch TV or get other stuff done. I feel guilty about it but I guess not guilty enough to get motivated. I just hope I don't get yelled at too much for not knowing it. I mean, I know a little of it, just not the details.
After that I'm off to Shannon's for girls' night. My poor animals are going to be all alone all day. I feel bad when I do that to them but I gotta have a life too!
Well, I should probably get back to work. Supposedly Georgia Ryan is trying to come up to visit in January since he couldn't make it in September. Hopefully that works out b/c it would be nice to have someone come visit me!