Ten things you wish you could say to ten different people:
1. please Please PLEASE call me!!! I hope you haven't forgotten me!
3. Even though I only see you once a year, I love you and appreciate you!
4. I am so grateful you are still in my life...thanks for putting up with me.
5. I sooo wish you realized your faults, because it wasn't just me that ruined it. If you want, I could tell you them.
6. You are not who you think you are.
7. I believe you have a double-standard, but it's only because you love me so much.
8. I just love that years down the road, you realized that I am a wonderful person. Well, it's too late now!
9. Chill...the fuck...out!
10. You say you aren't, but you are actually being bigoted
nine things about yourself:
1. As a journalism major, I'm pretty much obcessed with the news.
2. I'd like to say I'm not materialistic, but I pretty much am when it comes to clothes. If I had to I could live easily without nice things, but I do like them and I don't think that's entirely a bad thing, because everybody has SOMETHING stupid they are particular about.
3. I am and will always be an opinonated person, but I do appreciate a good argument, but not stupidity.
4. For someone who would like to write for the rest of her life, I am a horrible speller.
5. When I went to the UK, the voice inside my head that narrates my life had an English accent.
6. I not only love, but admire my Mom-mom, like no one else. She is such an amazing person and I really think she's the only one who's truely believed in me.
7. I like my right side better that my left. It always has the best jewelery.
8. I've been to about 1/4 of the European countries...most of them I went to in three weeks. I want to see them all.
9. I for sure think I will do something amazing in my life.
eight ways you get through your day:
1. Listening to music
2. Constantly checking the internet.
3. Food
4. Coffee
5. Google
6. Watching The View...not kidding
7. my phone
8. Knowing the weekend is coming!
seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. I love that outfit.
2. x more hours/minutes!
3. What's for dinner?
4. Facebook check
5. I need to Google that later...
6. He's cute
7. I have to do that senior year!
six people you can't live without:
1. The fam...which is many people
2. Katie
3. All my friends
4. My SU Crew...who are also friends
5. my mentors
6. ummm......
five things you do before you fall asleep:
1. watch TV
2. check email
3. plan the outfit for the next day
4. wash up
5. prepare my bed
four things you're wearing right now:
1. Gap dress
2. Black blazer
3. Black tights.
4. my blingin' watch
three songs that fit your life perfectly:
1. "I Gotta Feeling" The Black Eyed Peas
2. "Take it Easy" The Eagles
3. "The Fear" Lily Allen
two things you want to do before you die:
1. See the rest of the world
2. Work for a major publication
one confession:
1. I love real, classic rock and roll, but I can't help but blast my favorite rap or pop songs in my car. It's all I want to listen to when I drive.