tag project...ARGH!!

May 17, 2005 14:59

Omg!! I have a tag project due tomorrow and I haven't even STARTED!! I wish I was in one of those classes where they don't do anything but eat candy but I actually have to work! :(! Oh, well. I went to school today for period four only. It was great, I don't feel as tired as I usually do. Which is good because tonight is the last night of scouts until September! It's so sad! I won't get to see Jeremy in his cute little uniform anymore.

I'm on the second chapter of my second book! How exciting! This one is about cliques. I kind of took it from my life but the rest is fictional. Actually most of it is from my life only blown WAY out of proportion because the cliques at my school aren't really that bad.

Oh! Snack time!!! Yum yum!! :P! I'll write later

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