I feel as old as Methusla*

Jan 22, 2014 10:51

Welcome to the waaaaay delayed New Year's post.

Spent the holidays in San Diego with family. I like San Diego. It may be devoid of interesting architecture and culture like New York but the weather was amazing, people were laid back and food was great. Too bad it had sucky public transportation.

Anyway, here goes.

In 2013 I...

- Was moved to the Presidential beat and was one of those reporters shown on TV asking questions the spokespeople tried not answer
- Went to Korea with friends and it was the coolest ever
- Left my job of five years, FINALLY

In 2013 I wish I...

- Planned things better
- Saved more money

In 2014 I will...

- Graduate
- Get a job that is interesting and furthers my interest in journalism
- Have a meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex because gorram it I am fucking worth it
- Save money but not deprive myself
- Be a lot more organized like arranging my room in a way that is productive to writing unlike it is today and not get overwhelmed from all the work

So yeah, 2013 was both scary, sad, and exciting. The tail end for me was fun but it wasn't for the rest of my country which sucks. So this year I am adding a something special to this post, a wish for a speedy recovery and better disaster mitigation.

Have a fun and amazing 2014 everyone!

*I was going to save that Downton quote for my birthday or LJ birthday but who am I kidding, I barely post here anyway

goals, happenings, holidays, listy things

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