Mischief Managed

Jul 15, 2011 01:22

Excuse the bad picture. This was taken during the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and fittingly I think I should post this.

DH2 was, well, bittersweet.

Harry Potter is NOT my favorite book, but it has been such an integral part of my life, both online and RL. It was one of the few fandoms I moved in when I was younger. My 12 year old self was obsessed with the series. I essentially grew up Harry, Ron and Hermione despite being few years older when I started reading the books. Order of the Phoenix was my awkward, annoying teenage self, which is probably why OoTP is my least favorite because honestly, if I was annoyed by Harry's fictional teenage angst, my very real ones must've been 100 times more annoying.

Harry Potter, among other pop culture phenomenons of the late 90s early 00s was my childhood.

But now I'm 25 and the whole franchise has ended.

I could wax poetic about all of it but I won't. And yes there is still Pottermore to look forward to but it's not the same is it?

The movie definitely wasn't completely pitch perfect but I've learned to just be zen in movies. Forget the occasional bad CGI, it was the thought that counts.

Helena Bonham- Carter deserves an Oscar just for being Hermione for a few scenes. AMAZING. Alan Rickman should just win an Oscar period. Matthew Lewis is brilliant. Maggie Smith is kick ass (and she was under treatment for cancer during this I believe, FTW even more). Helen McCrory made me love Narcissa Malfoy SFM. Juile Walters really loved saying bitch.

The constant throwbacks to all the earlier films were certainly meant to tug at heartstrings.

What bugged me the most however was Daniel Radcliffe's (and I bet the producers too) insistence to not wear the fucking green contact lenses. In the King's Cross scene you can clearly see they're sapphire blue which bugged me to no end. Just this once Dan WEAR THE FUCKING CONTACT LENSES.

I hated that they really seriously had to end with the epilogue because it completely ruined the poignant scene after the battle of the Golden Trio echoing movies past staring out in the distance together. Plus, I couldn't help but laugh at the utter bad make-up job they had to look older.

But well, let's be zen.

In the end, Robs, Drew and I stayed at the theater watching the credits roll and yeah, that was my childhood.

It's tempting to say, "what's going to happen now?" but really I shouldn't. I'm comfortable in the fact that because that so many people are feeling exactly the same way I do, our childhood will live on forever.

Whether you go back by page or by screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.- J.K. Rowling

oh my creys, brb sobbing, filmic, fandom, nostalgia, harry potter, there goes my childhood

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