Jul 29, 2004 23:39
just chillin andon the phone with tanya then gonna call bri later and i miss amanda. last night i snuck out at 12 and went to her house with tanya and whitney and we just chilled and tanya yer fuckin crazy but i love you and amanda i guess ill get used to you bein topless.....haha. dude im so sorry to my friends who are gonna miss chillin with me. i know i keep fuckin up, i know im out of control and it makes me feel selfish cause its a problem for all you... so yeah, just dont forget about me when school starts and you think im dead from today on... im not dead yet, i got a few years at least.
ok so boy watch: theres a couple cuties out there for me to hook it up with but as for a boyfriend, i dont want a boyfriend right now, it would screw things up for me.
i dont know what else to write about. like my new layout?