Oct 16, 2007 14:52
Ahh! I am a fucking "senior" at state already and I find myself interested in so many things that it makes me second guess what I'm going to school for. Yes, I really want to be an English teacher but sometimes I think I want to write. I don't know for who, but I love writing and although I don't share most of it, I do it often and for my own pleasure. If that's the case, I should probably change my major to creative writing. But I know I wont because I want to just finish and graduate as fast as I can so I can get my Masters in Human Sexuality sooner.
Sometimes I also think about how good working out makes me feel and how much I love doing it when I am actually doing. This makes me think maybe I should be a PE teacher or fitness instructor (hey, at least I'd always be in shape). haha. I guess the only interest I have no doubt about is Human Sexuality.. I want to teach human sexuality or even write about human sexuality. I'm not sure. Sometimes I think maybe I can do it all. Teachers get summers off, weekends too. Aside from grading papers, and coming up with lesson plans I might have time to do other interesting jobs. Eh, choosing where you want to go in life is not as easy as I once thought it was.