it doesn't matter how many sit ups you do, it matters on the quality of the situp, the form of the situp. and if you don't do any cardio with situps, you're just adding muscle underneath all of your fat on your stomach.
YES! then I'm doing it RIGHT bc I do my sit ups SLOW and do the breathing right...I'm also doing cardio for at least 30 (def more) mins a day! I stay really active...and fortunately...I don't have a lot of fat.
Thanks for the tips! I'm going to do like 200 more tonight! woo hoo!
Yeah, but you really shoudn't do so many in a short amount of time. Maybe 200 every other day, that way your muscles regain some strength and that helps. I read that somewhere.
That is true...we learned that in PE last year lol. In order for you to truly build up muscle tone, you really should give your body a day or two to repair your muscles and build on them. Otherwise you won't get muscle tone.
Thanks for the tips! I'm going to do like 200 more tonight! woo hoo!
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