Jan 13, 2004 15:12
After dancing for about 10 years, I think I might quit ballet for awhile. I've just been under a lot of stress with school + everything else. I talked to my teacher last night and she told me that she did the same thing. She took a break for a year + then came back. I'll still go to practices once a week, but I won't devote half of my day anymore. I know I'll miss it, but it's something I need to do.
I only have one more final left tomorrow! Then I get to go home at 10:00 am :) I need all the sleep I can get. Then I plan on going out with my best friend Kristen to the mall so I can finally use my gift certificate to AE. I really need to buy some well fitted jeans and get myself a new hooded sweater. It's been extremely cold every morning :( Can't wait till the spring time.
I'm kinda in a fickle right now. Noah was invited to go to this girls winter formal at her school [ which is about 30 min away from ours ] I've met her once, and she seemed like a really nice person. I trust Noah a lot, because after all, we've been together for 2 years + I know he'd never cheat on me. But at the same time, I don't really know her
at all So I don't know what to do. Maybe I should get her sn and talk to her?
k, that's all for now. xoxo