Jan 01, 2005 17:06
1) What did you do last year that you'd never done before?: gone clubbing
2) Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for this year?: yes I kept all of em for the first time and yes I made lots more for 2005
3)Did you (or anyone close to you) give birth?: No
4) Did anyone close to you die?: No
5) Did you (or anyone close to you) experience a major life-changing event?: Yes
6) What would you like to have this year that you lacked last year?: my drivers licence
7) What date from last year will remain etched upon your memory, and why?: the night that I got asked out by my boyfriend, becuase he is the first real boyfriend i have ever had.
8) What was your biggest achievement of the year?: I'll get back to you on that
9) What was your biggest failure?: quitting ballet..even tho I kinda had to..i consider it a failure..i should have found a way to make it work.
10) Did you suffer illness or injury?: nah..not really
11) What was the best thing you bought?: my phone..lol..im in love w/ it.
12) Whose behavior merited celebration?: there are so many people....wow..
13) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: mine..haha
14) Where did most of your money go?: shopping........nuff said
15) What did you get really, really, really excited about?: my vacation this summer to San Francisco
16) What song will always remind you of last year?: JET- are you gonna be my girl..dont ask...
17) Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?: OMG so much happier! SOOO SOOOO much happier!
18) ... thinner or fatter?: thinner..getting fat again tho lol
19) ... richer or poorer?: was richer..then went shoping..now I am poorer
20) What do you wish you'd done more of?: taking chances
21) What do you wish you'd done less of?: messing around..i should have taken school more seriously for the first half of my senior year...ahh..oh well you only live once
22) What was your favorite book?: me? read? hah!
23) What was your favorite movie (or TV program)?: The Notebook
24) What was your greatest discovery?: if u are loved, then thats all that u need..everything else really doesnt matter..*someone special taught me that lesson*
25) Did anyone come to visit you?: uh huh
26) Did you travel anywhere?: albaquerque, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Houston
27) Did you do anything really special and memorable?: San Francisco vacation was memorable and Christmas was really memorable..
28) Do you love (really like) anyone or anything now that you didn't love this time last year?: Shane
29) Do you hate (strongly dislike) anyone or anything now that you didn't hate this time last year?: haha, yes, not hate but strongly dislike..cant mention names.
30) What did you want and get?: I wanted a boyfriend and I got one <3
31) What did you want and not get?: my car and drivers licence
32) What did you do on your birthday?: went out to eat with family and friends..haha
33) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: not having to take pre-ap physics
34) How would you describe your personal fashion concept for last year?: preppy and girly..cute..haha I like my fashion sense :P
35) What kept you sane?: music and close relationships..oh yes and my shrink named Jewel
36) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: uh none
37) What political issue stirred you the most?: gay mirrage..it was a big deal..and abortion always is too.
38) Who (or what) did you miss?: Vanessa Barcus..one of my bestest friends who moved last year..miss ya lots!
39) Who was the best new person(s) you met?: Shane..well we met a long time ago..but we REALLY met this year..know what I mean :)
40) Did you enjoy any good sunsets?: yes like one or 2
41) Who did you meet and what did you like about them?: too many..skip please
42) What did you experience for the first time?: true love, i know i know..
43) How do you know you are older?: huh..
44) How do you know you are wiser?: when I come across a situation I ran into a few years earlier and I handle it in a better more grown up manner
45) What are your regrets about last year?: quitting ballet, not being as agressive in certain situations and I could have been, not trying hard enough in certain things
46) Where did you go that you have never been before?: The club..lol
47) Did you have any meetings that you find memorable?: yes :0)
48) Did you walk in the park, or at the beach, or in the woods, or by a mountain stream?: no..:(..i walked on the sidewalk tho :D
49) What would you do again?: summer vacation and ballet
50) What would you do over? : how i handled a few relationships (& not just the romantic kind)
51) Why is your life better?: I have grown closer to some friends that I know really care about me, I am more involved and outgoing, I have found my other half Shane and he mkaes my life a million times better..i have also grown up alot in the past year and that has made life better becuase I am able to understand more
52) Why is it not?: more stresses in life..but eh..u will always have those
53) What unique opportunities did you miss?: um..none really..i tried to do anything and everything fun this year..more than last year!
54) If you met yourself for the first time this year would you strike up a friendship?: um..shure..why not.
55) Where would you have met?: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
56) What flowers did you smell for the first time? What food tasted? What music danced to?: flowers- dunno what they are called but I got them after my ballet recital; food- crab louis salad...omg so good; music- eh..i have danced to everything...
57) What will make this year different from last year?: Shane will make all the difference
58) Did you spend any time listening to yourself? What did you say?: yes, I did listen to myself and I was alot happier when I listened to myself and didnt listen to what others thought was right for me
59) If you put this year in a food grinder and made sausages out of it, what would they taste like?: ok..wierd quiestion..but um..they would taste sweet..wait a minuite, I hate sausage can I make it a milkshake?...i want a chocolate mint milkshake
60) In what respects was last year a pivotal year?: whats that mean?
61) If time and events flow like a river, what was your relationship with that river this year?: sometimes very slow and gentle and at other times very choppy and rough
62) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned last year: "things change & people drift in and out of your life- that's just how it goes. what's important is that u look out for the people close to you & value the relationships u have with them, no matter how twisted they may be. we are by no means guaranteed a tomorrow- so live each day like it's your last. & remember- if He brings you to it, He'll get you thru it. no matter how horrible life seems/gets- it'll pass. i promise."- Jewel..I love your saying...shall treasure it forever cuz its so true
To follow your heart and do what u think is right becuase if you listen to others and ignore what u think is best then chances are you will never end up happy. U have to do what u think is best and in the end chances are, you were right!