(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 03:11

Yes I know I just updated, but this is 3 hours later, I can't sleep, and I'm in a weird mood again.

I think I've discovered why I haven't been able to sleep these past few weeks and have just felt generally discontent with my life. I realized that I've lost passion. Passion for God, passion for theatre, passion for friends, passion just for life. I mean, I'm living it. I'm mostly enjoying it, but where did that fire go? I've let more days than I'd like to admit just slip by, doing nothing proactive or worthwhile.

I've always been a positive person. Something like this happens and I know that within a few days or a few weeks something will happen to me to bring that spark back in. It always does. But for now, what the heck?! Dustin, like you, I've found myself inching away from God. Inching away from things I've always believed, thinking that it will make me happy. I've gotten caught up in the world that I've always tried to disconnect myself from. Since when did such worldly values become mine? Since when did such earthly matters concern me and my well-being? I think about myself too much and I really need to find what has made this change in me. But for now, there are a few changes for me to make and I desperately pray that I can.

I ask you all to pray for me too!

“Immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be mentioned among you, as is fitting among holy ones, no obscenity or silly or suggestive talk, which is out of place...” - Ephesians 5:3-4

“Do not share in another's sins. Keep yourself pure.” - 1 Timothy 5:22

"Fact: today’s teens live in a world where immorality is glorified." - Darla Hickman, Catholic speaker and writer
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