Feb 01, 2008 02:03
So it's Feb 8, 2008..probably a year and a half after my last post... holy crap its been a while. The only reason why i'm posting is because it's 2:05AM and i can't seem to concentrate on my work. Oh and plus, Nihit showed me some celebrity gossip thing titled "ohnotheydidnt" where Edison Chan has porno pictures up with one of the girls from the TWINS hahaha ohh naughty people..
But Wow, i'm in University now..i have never actually thought about that haha. Well, it's pretty embarassing reading all that crap I used to post on this site..wow I used to complain about Canadian Tire a lot... infact, i'm still working there which is pretty sad ahahaa. Well, for the boy update, I'm dating Jason D'Alves and have been for 8 months now, it's crazy! I never would have thought i'd actually be going out with someone for so long, considering Jason is my first boyfriend..well actually I have because I figured, if i had been waiting for so long just to find the right guy, this relationship would actually be worthwhile. Well, it is :)! I just got off the phone with him, and I started reading, but again, I couldn't get myself to flippin work.
Alright, well anyways this is a big fat waste of time...
Update you in a year or so. :)
Jackie Sasaki!!!!