Protest Tuesday

Nov 16, 2006 01:08

Next Tuesday is our last day of school before Thanksgiving break, however, we must remember that our brave men and women in Iraq will not have a Thanksgiving break and are instead indefinitely subjected to harm in the name of corporate interest. Therefore, I call upon the Ballard student body to protest the injustice our soldiers endure by refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance since we cannot pledge ourselves to a nation that puts its young men and women in harm's way based on lies. If you choose to participate Tuesday morning, you may be harassed by teachers. In case of such an incident, I have already done the research to prevent any disciplinary action against you. The 1943 Supreme Court decision of West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette decided that mandatory recitation of the pledge is unconstitutional. By refusing to stand for the pledge next Tuesday, Ballard will be making an metaphorical stand for our civil liberties and our men and women in uniform.
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