I haven't listened to this song in forever. Years. In college, I'd play the tune on repeat. It took on various meanings throughout my undergrad. and grad. years: early morning percolation, break-up track, rabble rousin' empowerment, etc. Now, nostalgia. Oh, hello old friend.
"I'm nobody
but I am someone"
(first Alana Davis & then Ani & then Alana again -
rinse, rinse, blow some bubbles: i am what i am.)
Jules Julien
Rébus - la Chapelle des Calvairiennes - Mayenne - France
Poster serie - 80x120cm - 2009
I haven't seen
Sherlock Holmes yet, but I want to
- love-love-love the books & love-love-love Robert Downey Jr. & Rachel McAdams.
Did any of you see it? Thoughts (w/out spoilers, please)?