Nov 07, 2005 07:39
Never update ne more...really don't care for it ne more but here's a lil brief bout what's been up lately...
mmm We're in 2nd place in our league for basketball...we fucked up and lost being in first last thursday..and we play lake orion tomorro to see who will be in 2nd for the end. Plus its parents night and thursday is senior bad I can't like 3 weeks ago in our north farmington game i sprianed my ankle and had to go tot he hospital to the er casue they thought I fracuted (sp?) it but I jus sprained it bad...made a pretty quick recovering in a week and a have and started playin last monday played all week and then sat morning at practice while scrimmaging i fucked my shit up again and now back on crutches :( and can't play for our last 2 games....trying to make it back for districts....well thats my shitty life
Um.. Otherwise...I got 1 more marking period=10 weeks...til I'm doen with school and then I start my Occ classes in January so that's real sweet and then I'm be working alot more and makin that money....and yaa at work I got a raise like a month ago and in december I get another one...kinda exciting and yaa brennen got a job with me so that's real exciting.
Um.. whatelse...Um things with bryan are still going wonderfully. On christmas is our year n half...exciting I kno. And now I jus gotta figure out what he's gettin me cause he won't tell me and also what to get him. It'll be good!
And for today....laying around since school got canceled and Yess I did wake up and shower and get all ready to find out I'm an idiot and we dont have it...yaa didn't think to turn the tv on sicne alll day yesterday we didnt have power so ya...otherwise I think brennen sasid he wanted to come by and visit....and also I got basketball at 3 to 5 so I get to go be with the trainer and try to heal up my ankle and also call up to work to make my schdule cause basketball almost over...and of course go to johanns to get some stuff!