So I was reading an article about the worst driving state scores and of course, Rhode Island came out on top. I am amused how our little state is known for terrible driving skills, a famous corrupted mayor who's having a musical written about him, and mafia movies and tv shows. It makes me feel warm inside. And it's not even because it's 85 degrees
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#1) i went to school for 4 years for law enforcement, and a big chunk of that is vehicular code.
#2) this test was possibly written by simians who have little or no knowledge of either the vehicular code, or of proper grammar. example:
8. You may pass on the right of another vehicle when:
When traveling on a multi-lane highway carrying two or more lanes of traffic in the same direction
The other vehicle is making or about to make a left turn, when a lane is provided to pass on the right
All of the above
i answered (b). as per RIGL as revised, it is citable offense to pass on the right, on a multilane highway, carrying two(2) or more lanes of traffic in the same direction. the right lane is the travel lane, the left is the passing lane. end of story.
as to grammar on this issue, answer (b) would be statutorially incorrect with the use of a semi-colon in place of the comma between "turn" and "lane". that is to say, the comma in this case makes both conditions mutually applicable, whereas the semi-colon renders them mutually exclusive.
that said, and excepting my previously illustrated example of flawed test question, i scored a 90%.
also, #11? am i the only one who has heard the saying "keep your head on a swivel"? it was originally from a very different kind of training, but it applies to driving as well. i have very very good peripheral vision. in fact, i often have a "feel" for where other vehicles are around me without looking directly. but i still look anyway.
i've had people tell me i yank & bank my truck like i'm driving a fighter aircraft; maybe so. but i likewise crane my neck around to see all i can see.
net result, i found this test annoying.
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