Nov 02, 2005 09:29
NOOOOOOOO! Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is delayed! I'm glad that Bethesda is working hard to make sure the game isn't flawed, but dammit I want to play it! Instead of coming out at the end of November, it's going to be released in January or February. *sobs* I was really looking forward to playing Oblivion. There hasn't been a good RPG released this year. Dungeon Siege II doesn't count as a RPG and Fable was a bit of a letdown for me. I enjoyed Morrowind and its expansion packs so much! *wants to play Oblivion*
I'm up to my eyeballs in caselaw. It's been so long since I've read caselaw that it feels downright weird. I keep reminding myself that I'm a Real!Laywer now and that lawyers read caselaw. The supply peoplegave me a shiny new copy of the 18th edition of the Bluebook. :) I remember how to cite some cases, but will definitley have to refresh my memory on everything else. *hugs bluebook*
Lost is back next Wednesday! Yay! I need my fix. Someone's gonna die next ep. I'm betting they're going to kill off one of the "new" survivors, but mainly I'm just hoping they don't kill Locke.
Back to my pile o' caselaw.