Nov 23, 2006 21:41
Happy Turkey-runs-away-screaming Day! ^^ I don't have much to say. I've managed to get myself sick today, so I won't type much. I will say that I'm thankful for many things, which I won't go into now, and despite not feeling well, I have had a good day. Mom attempted to make a chocolate cream pie....unfortunately, it didn't come out right. x.x I can barely manage a couple bites, but I just told her it was too rich to manage more. I have a feeling I'll have to throw away most of it. But it's the thought that counts. And she was trying to make me happy with a pie. Mom and Dad cooked dinner, I cleaned up. Then we watched The King and I. Nothing else to report. When people have ideas for what they want for X-mas, let me know. I don't know what anyone has, so I don't know what to get anyone.
Happy Thanksgiving!