May 01, 2006 17:44
Ok, major news, I guess....My roommates have given an ultimatum. My brother and I have until July 1st to move, because they're moving. My brother is also considering moving to West Virginia depending on if he can get a job here that pays about $10+ an hour or not. IF he stays, we're considering an apartment across the street that's $850 a month. Either way, I need either a second job or to find a much better paying job. I'm planning to spend Wednesday looking for a job and apartments, possibly even ones that go for a lower price if I can. (Might look into a studio apartment and see what the prices on those are....>.> )
So, it looks like in the next 2 months, I'll be moving again. x.x if anyone hears about an apartment that's not ubber expensive in the area, let me know, ne?