(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 21:50

Your Colour is RED!
You lead a life full of hate and revenge though you
may seem content at times! Someone or somthing
has hurt you in the past and you cant seem to
get oever it. You tend to live in the past!

What Is Your Colour???? Sorry... Only girl pics!
brought to you by Quizilla

....I don't like the color red......x.x

Dominant Personality: Protected

Good Traits: You shelter yourself from
anything that's out to hurt you. You don't let
people take you lightly.

Bad Traits: You're too distant. You even
push people away. You try to blend in with
everyone else and follow the crowd.

People see you as: Tense, angry, and
careful. You don't take chances, and when
someone approaches you, you may lash out at

You're Most Like: Solitude. Your greatest
desire is for people to leave you alone. The
difference is you conform to their ways, while
someone who has Solitude will seperate

You Need More: Confusion. Don't just follow
the crowd. Question them, and why they are the
way they are.

What's your dominant trait? (10 unique results)
brought to you by Quizilla

hehehehhee.....that's funny.

You're beautiful in so many different ways, but
your problem is that you don't realize it.
You're constantly putting yourself down and
don't really even listen to others when they
insistenly point out your good characteristics
to you. Listen to them next time, learn
something about yourself!

What Makes You Beautiful?
brought to you by Quizilla

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