Round Three Winner!

Aug 16, 2008 19:41

The moment you've all been waiting for is here: it's time to reveal the winner of Round Three of the LIMS!!!


First Place goes to...


Second Place goes to:


Third Place goes to:


Part A
#1 - 6
#2 - 4
#3 - 2
#4 - 11
#5 - 8
#6 - 2

Part B
#1 - 12
#2 - 13
#3 - 9

Part C
#1 - 11
#2 - 15
#3 - 8

Part A:
#1 - love the lighting and the unique texture placement
#1 - fresh and original; nice to see some genuine creativity. you really accomplished something here.
#2 - Nice black and white contrast and text.
#3 - like how the characters are located in the top corner
3. great cropping
4. nicely done coloring
4 - Great texture use.
4 - beautiful coloring
#4 - good coloring and use of texture
#5 - like the big bold text
#5 - GORGEOUS coloring, cropping & text placement/font
#5 - smart, visually appealing use of text that perfectly complements the image - well paired.
#5 - good cropping and coloring
#6 - Beautiful coloring, great placement of the image and choice of text.
6 - Beautiful coloring. The text works well here.

Part B:
1 - The blending of the images looks nice.
#1 - eye-catching blend of images. my suggestion for the maker - what if their faces were lined up in such a way that his right cheek doubles as her jawline?
2 - The text used fits well.
2. i like the coloring and the cropping
#2 - The images work really well together and the text fits the icon perfectly.
#2 - lovely colouring
3. nice cropping
#3 - blending + large and small images in the same icon (great proportions btw) = win
#3 - Great choice of images.

Part C:
1 - The coloring and blurred effect all look nice. The text fits well.
#1 - great cloring
1. great coloring
#1 - the colors really pop, and I like the decision to put a drop shadow on the text.
2 - The text fits well.
#2 - Beautiful coloring and great text choice and placement.
#2 - soft, elegant coloring is a nice treatment for the image
3. very nice idea
3 - great cropping and detailed
#3 - a little bit confused but really original

Voting Page

zippogirl: A1 A5 B3 C2: 6 + 8 + 9 + 15 = 38 --> First Place
sugarfixx: A3 A4 B2 C3: 2 + 11 + 13 + 8 = 33 --> Second Place
stolenglimpse: A2 A6 B1 C1: 4 + 2 + 12 + 11 --> Third Place

Huge congratualtions to zippogirl for being the winner of the third round at balims :D And congratulations to sugarfixx and stolenglimpse as well; all the icons we had were beautiful! &hearts

I'm making your award banners and will post them in a new entry when they're done.

Also a big thank you to everyone who took part and voted! You guys are all awesome! :D

p.s. pimping piehole_lims - Round Two Sign-Ups for the Pushing Daisies LIMS comm are currently open, so go sign up! :)

round three, lims winner, challenge eleven, final, results

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