Challenge Nine Voting

Jun 10, 2008 11:24

Thank you to everyone for submitting their entries early! Onto the voting...

Voting Rules [Please Read all this information before voting!]:
Vote for the ONE (1) icon of the lowest quality, giving reasons.
Reasons should not be things like, "I don't like the font", "I don't like the colour yellow", "It's ugly", etc. Personal reasons are NOT allowed. If you provide reasons like this, i will ask you to change your vote (If you don't change your vote in time it will not be counted).
Please give me real reasons, like: the texture is overpowering, the icon is oversaturated, etc. Remember the point of the LIMS is to help iconmakers improve their icons, not for you to be mean.

Also you must vote for your ONE (1) favorite icon. A reason is not required here, but it's always nice to get positive feedback.

Do not vote for your own icon.
Post your vote as a comment to this post; all comments are screened.

Everyone is allowed to vote: if you are taking part you must vote!

The Entries:


Results will be up on Thursday with the one elimination and one people's choice.

round three, challenge nine, voting

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