So I asked SGA's Joe Mallozzi a related question
at his blog...
Lostinspace writes: “I’m curious, what about fellow script writers? Who’s encouraged or inspired you in your work? Which current shows in the scifi/fantasy/horror genre do you find particularly well written?”
Answer: Tough to say. I enjoyed the old Twilight Zone series as well as various 60’s sitcoms. As for current shows in the scifi/fantasy/horror genre that I watch - I don’t watch much outside of Dr. Who.
This got me thinking - what with the
ongoing Emmy Awards snub - IMO, who are the best cult TV screenwriters out there?
1) Joss Whedon. For sheer creativity, audacity and consistency, and for the
Mutant Enemy legacy of
Dr Horrible, Serenity, Firefly, Angel, Buffy and soon,
2) Ron Moore. For reimagining Battlestar Galactica (and scifi) as serious space opera.
3) Eric Kripke. For a fun, gripping Supernatural tale of two brothers and a car, heroes and urban legends - and *not* an average horror-of-the-week flick.
4) Steven Moffatt. The Hugo award winning, newly promoted Doctor Who head writer who gave us Blink, The Girl In The Fireplace, The Doctor Dances and The Empty Child. He also scripted the first Tintin film, at Spielberg's request.
5) Rockne O'Bannon. For conceiving the wonder that was Farscape.
6) Russell T Davis. The quirky mastermind who regenerated the Doctor Who series.
7) Gene Roddenberry (and team). Star Trek. 'Nuff said.
8) JM Straczynski. The driving force behind Babylon 5 - TV series, movies, books et al.
9) Chris Carter (Frank Spotnitz and team). For making us believe that "the truth is out there" in The X-Files, arguably the greatest cult TV show since Star Trek.
10) Tim Kring. To be honest, the jury's still out for me. I LOVED Heroes (in S1) but that love dimmed in their subsequent sophomore slump.