
Nov 21, 2020 15:06

Welp ( Read more... )

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felisblanco November 21 2020, 23:01:29 UTC
THANK YOU!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This, exactly this. What show are those haters watching because it's not Supernatural. It seems to be some weird thing about Castiel and Dean being obviously in love but the writers hate the fandom and wrote the finale to hurt and humiliate it. I mean, what? What planet are they on? Tumblr has been so toxic that I unfollowed a bunch of people this morning because I had no idea until now they were so full of hate towards a show most of them claim to have hated for years. Jesus! Worst of all, I've seen people leaving comments on the cast's Instagrams, telling them how much they hated the finale, that they deserved better or even that it ruined the whole show for them. Some people are just so fucking entitled and bloody insane.

So what a heartwarming experience to read this. Thank you so much for coming back, after all these years, to share your love. To see someone saying what I'm thinking because I was feeling angry and hurt to be bombarded with so much hate for something I loved. The show I have been watching for the last 15 years is about Sam and Dean, no matter what else is going on, who else is around, at the end it always comes back to them and their love for one another. The hot desperate I can't live without you love. (Dean would push Castiel into Hell himself if it meant saving Sam, any day.)

Sure there were gringeworthy moments. (Like, what blind person bought that grey wig? The blurry wife.) But it was back to the basics, Sam and Dean with weight lifted off their shoulders, living their lives without the threat of a giant allpowerful monster looming over them, like they did in the beginning. Dean being killed so randomly was right, I felt. I think part of Jensen's initial problem with the end might have been that, that it was such a small thing, not a going out swinging all ablaze fight that took Dean out. I'd already had that with Angel the series, this was much more satisfying to me because it gave them time to say goodbye and say all the things they wanted but never did. Until now. And yes, how glorious it was. "It's always been you. And me." My Wincest heart exploded while I sobbed, clutching my own chest. I've always been more of a Dean girl, Jensen just does things to my heart and soul (and other unnamed parts) I can't control, but it's still always been about the brothers, their undying love for one another. Knowing just how hard it is for them to live without the other. But as soon as Dean was in Heaven and Bobby said time moved differently there, that Sam would be along soon, I was okay. Even watching Sam live his life, for Dean much more than for himself, because he knew Dean wanted him to, no matter how hard it was it was okay because I knew at some point he would appear in Heaven, either on the road or just pop up in the Impala, and they would be reunited. Him coming up behind Dean and Dean's smile when he realised, without having even turned around ... oh my heart.

I love my show, with all its flaws of which there have been many. And I loved the ending. Them together forever, free to live their "lives" together. Forever. Sam and Dean.

Thank you. You completely made my day.


out_0f_habit November 22 2020, 01:20:34 UTC
YES, so much of this! (also hi!)

Apparently Jim Beaver had to delete his twitter account which makes me want to throw myself off a cliff in second hand embarrassment and anger. The vocal fans on the internet acting like Destiel was endgame were watching a totally different show than the one that was being made the past 15 years.

I loved Dean's ending for all the reasons you say - it is so subtle and beautiful and right. And it gave us the barn scene which is the best, saddest, most perfect thing I've seen in a long while.

Sam's years without Dean are something that legit hurt my soul. I can't even watch Sam burning Dean's body or the fucking single piece of toast scene I keep hearing about because it tears me apart. I think I'll have to ignore this part of his life for a long time (or pretend it was Dean's imagination while he drove to the bridge like the crack theory floating around) because otherwise it's just too sad. But when I adjust my thinking to like... their lives will go on in heaven and this wasn't the end, actually just a really small chapter in the eternity they have together now (though I hope heaven has like some conflict and drama to keep it interesting or else eternity sounds a bit boring...) it's much more bearable.

I'm now thinking maybe I don't ever want a revival because there's no way they achieve this perfect of an ending twice...


balefully November 22 2020, 15:37:03 UTC
HELLO MY DEAR, you are so welcome. I really did not expect anyone to read this; I'm so happy you did and that this was something you needed to see.

Here's the thing: the ending is actually great for Destiel??? Obviously I don't ship it, but if someone did...it's CANON that Castiel is in love with Dean, it's not canon that Dean isn't or couldn't be in love with Castiel, and it's canon that Castiel is free and set up heaven to be the heaven that Dean deserved. If you're not a wincest shipper, then how is this a problem?? This is great?? Surely for them this is the perfect setup for eternal Destiel??? The only person in the world Dean could love more than Castiel is his own brother, which for them means it would never be romantic. PLUS, Sam ostensibly has a wife and child from his life on earth whom he loves and thus would be seeing/be with in heaven at some point? Which means that eternity is free and clear for Castiel and Dean to happily spend together surrounded by their friends and family??????

LIKE...SORRY BUT THAT SOUNDS FUCKING CHOICE TO ME???? WHAT IS SO BAD ABOUT THIS ENDING THEN??? Sam and Dean love each other, and they want to be able to share their lives. How is that a horrible rotten stinking disloyal loogie in the face of Supernatural the show????? IT ISN'T???? LITERALLY NOTHING IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS THAN ANYTHING ELSE THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED ON THIS SHOW, EVEN IF YOU'RE A DYED-IN-THE-WOOL DESTIELER. Yes, it's sad Misha couldn't be there because of filming restrictions, but that doesn't change the fact that Castiel is there in heaven. GOD I'M GETTING MYSELF SO WORKED UP LOL.

I hate that they're accosting the cast and crew. I HATE it. I just have to soothe myself by saying the cast and crew would know to expect this because the stans have been behaving badly for many years now. I knew Dabb was ready for it, at least -- I saw someone say he said 30% of people would like it? I hadn't seen that exact number but I really hope he shared that with everyone else so they could batten down the hatches. It's so fucking embarrassing that people are acting like this. Fuck. And people think it's embarrassing that wincest shippers are saying we "won"!!! AT LEAST WE'RE JUST SAYING IT AMONGST OURSELVES, GOD. I'm not going into other people's posts and tweets and whatnot to taunt them!!! Sigh. SIGH.

And oh yes, I agree that another part of Jensen's issue may have been the smallness of Dean's death, that makes sense! But I'm so glad he came around to this.

ANYWAY. I hope maybe today you're not feeling so angry and hurt. <3 Those of us who are soul-deep happy with this (even if it's not perfect) are out there!! Those of us who grokked the plot from day 1 are still around, caring!!


felisblanco November 22 2020, 17:58:38 UTC
*squishes you hard*

Thank you, I feel so much better today. I decided to take matters into my own hands and started an SPN love fest on Tumblr, finding and reblogging nothing but happy posts and brotherly love posts and wincest posts and to hell with the naysayers. Haven't had any hatepost yet sent my way, but then again I'm a total nobody on Tumblr so ... lol

And yeah, everything is always open to interpretation. I'm absolutely fine with that. This is how we've managed to make even characters that have hardly ever met become OTPs in numerous fandoms. It's about your own imagination, not canon. (Although *coughs* Wincest becoming pretty much canon is sweeeeet!) I just wished Destiel fans would realise that and grow the fuck up. They are behaving like ... no, not even children behave like that. Like, they've been flooding the IMDb review board for the episode with one stars and hateful comments. It's still at 6,6 but it hurts my heart to see that if you click the reviews you have to wade through pages upon pages of that before you get to the positive ones. Fucking assholes. I've always been live and let live and everyone can ship what they like and I still am, it's the bloody entitlement of the crazy ones that has been driving other fans away and harassing the cast and crew for years that I can't stand.

Anyway ... deep breath. I am much happier now. Focusing on the good and surrounding myself with likeminded people. Like you. Thank you again and sorry for the rant. *hugs you hard*


balefully November 23 2020, 14:08:29 UTC
Aww, what's your tumblr?? I would love to see all that good stuff :D!

Ugh I hate the IMDB thing!! Does anyone even look at those ratings...god, it's so petty.



felisblanco November 23 2020, 14:12:36 UTC

Felisblanco, same as here. :)


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