Returns and exchanges

Jun 02, 2010 19:40


So uhhh I have no excuses for why I have been AWOL for WEEKS now. I just sort of got tied up in real life, I suppose? I'M BACK NOW! I could only go back to ?skip=960, though, before LJ wouldn't let me go back any farther. So I am still lacking like an entire week of flist posts. T___T TELL ME IF I MISSED ANYTHING IMPORTANT PLEASE.

I post my Big Bang on, I believe, the 15th of June. Which seems SO FREAKING SOON oh my god how did it get to be June?? The fic is called Grin and Bare It and is about Jared being a stripper and Jensen being a huge douchebag. YOU ARE ALL SO EXCITED, I'M SURE. :\ It's got pretty much every cliche in the book, weep. I also have not abandoned my eternally stalled help_haiti fic, despite the fact that it is coming up on four months overdue. I suck a lot at this writing thing, friends. :( But I refuse to give up.

I went to the beach with beckaandzac weekend before last on a total whim and had SO MUCH FUN. :D! I got sunburned but also there was ice cream and drunkenness and paddling about in the ocean and delish food and myrafur! ALL THE BEST THINGS. I took my nice analogue camera with me and took some black and white shots to try and use up the roll of film that was in there, so we'll see how they came out once I get around to developing them, shall we?

Last weekend I spent out in the sun again, this time with my family on my uncle's boat. I LOVE THE WATER. It is so much fun and the boat is so great and everything was so beautiful and it was such a gorgeous weekend. UGH I WANT TO GO BOATING EVERY WEEKEND. My other uncle was visiting from middle America, which was why the special getting-together occurred. Whenever my mom's side of the family gets together it necessitates ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF EATING, so I also did a lot of that. Oh food, why are you so delicioussss.

I have been loving my new job! It took a while to really get the hang of it and start feeling comfortable with what I'm doing, and I still have to ask a lot of questions, but it is really great. I get to watch and read so much cool stuff. *_*! ALSO I just got my first paycheck, HALLELUJAH. I have been DYING without any real income and finally I can stop the bleeding. And I am going to treat myself to a little something special this weekend, too. :] I will come back with pictures, promise.

My rattie boys are practically GROWN-UPS now! They are such big, handsome little gentlemen. Reggie had a brush with a worrying bald spot on his hip, but his fuzz is growing back now and he is a-okay. Ronnie had a battle wound on the back of his neck, but that is healed now, too. MY PRESH BOYS. STOP MAKING ME FRET. I actually took a video of them being adorable that I was going to post but OH MAN I just watched it and I am making the STUPIDEST BABY VOICE ON THE PLANET in it and no one is allowed to hear that, hahaha. I couldn't help myself T_T

UGH NO ONE CARES I AM SURE oisdnfkhlgjoidngkd I just have nothing to talk about besides my boring real life because all I am up to these days is boring real life. :( Whatever happened to my days of debauched partying? Or even of having valid, interesting things to say about Supernatural and fandom? WHO KNOWS. PLEASE COME BACK, EXCITING DAYS AND HAVING THINGS TO SAY.
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