UGH I had a notepad doc full of notes for this but then my computer restarted and I lost it. :(

May 14, 2008 16:25

SO. Time for a real entry before I post YET MORE fic!

Thanks so much to everybody for the congrats you left on my drunk post, hee. :D! The graduation ceremony (and my speech!) went amazingly well, actually, and I wasn't even too weirded out by Tom Wolfe behind me in the buffet line, congratulating me. OH LIFE. And then obvs we all went out and got drunk. Which was really fun, including the part where I saw my BFF from middle school at the Buddhist Biker Bar because she apparently worked there and it was her last night before going off into the world as a graduate. AWESOME. I drank my weight in Jack and Diet Coke, which is not usually my drink, but MAN was I in the mood for it. I also had a couple of flamboyant cocktails at the second bar we went to, when I drunkenly tried to explain (along with another dude from the program) cream pies to two prim preppy girls who'd never heard of it/them. LOLZ PERVERSION.

I discovered this AMAZING NEW FOOD PLACE recently, OMFG it is genius. See, I am like ADDICTED to, because I am a lazy blob and I love delivery more than can be expressed in English. And they have a bunch of places on there which deliver in the UVA area, and I've tried most of them and they're all very good in that sort of college junk-food sort of way. BUT THE OTHER DAY. THERE WAS A NEW ONE ON THE LIST. And it was Sam's Kitchen. So I perused the menu and they had CHILI FRIES and something called a SAMBURGER. Which, I MEAN. A SAMBURGER. FROM SAM'S KITCHEN. GOD DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MANY HOURS SINCE SEEING THAT PLACE LISTED I HAVE SPENT IMAGINING A BEAUTIFUL DOMESTIC POST-HUNTING FUTURE FOR SAM AND DEAN WHICH INVOLVES SETTLING IN C'VILLE AND STARTING UP A DOWN-HOME RESTAURANT? oadingoISNgoNH SAMBURGERS. They had lots of other really yummy-looking stuff on the menu but obvs I got the Samburger with a side of chili fries. AND IT WAS OBVS CALLED A SAMBURGER FOR A REASON. The thing was as big as my fucking HEAD, I shit you not. And oh my god, so delish. SOingsodinsionh nom nom nom. So yeah. I approve, Sam's Kitchen, and you can expect my patronage frequently. In fact, on Monday I ordered breakfast from there. Pancakes and biscuits with sausage gravy aodignsonhosdignoein nom nom nom. I can just imagine Sammy over the stove, concentrating on all his foodies and Dean trying to distract him with kisses and gropes. ao ignsodign I am such a sap. :( But I mean. Considering the ep tomorrow (!!!) is probs going to kill me dead, I have to get my joy where I can.

I also caught up with Degrassi recently! And may possibly have injured myself laughing when Mr. Simpson said "Who has two thumbs and is officially not a pedophile? THIS GUY!" It was kind of genius. I am not, however, acknowledging the whole lame Damian plot. EMMA. YOU ARE PRACTICALLY ENGAGED TO SEAN. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM. I can't even. Ugh.

Speaking of Degrassi! DARCY IS GOING TO BE ON THE CW! I NEED TO SEE SHENAE GRIMES IN CWRPS FIC INSTANTLY. LIKE. YESTERDAY. SOGINOSIngosdinhodsing :D! AMAZING. Also I kind of love that ribcage tattoo, and if I ever get one, that is so where I am getting it.

OMFG so I recently got obsessed with shopping for dresses, because I love cute casual dresses and don't have any. So I went to and aoidgnoseisodinh may possibly have like CLEANED OUT the Last Chance 75% Off Clearance section. Oh my god. I got one of everything, practically. And then there was free shipping and I had two coupons and. OSIfnsoidns. I HAVE NO WILLPOWER. I HAD TO. So I should be getting like. A VAT of dresses soon, and I am very excited. I also went grocery shopping and bought a VAT of ice cream which I may possibly have just been eating straight from the container with a spoon. :( I AM SUCH A BAD PERSON.

AND NOW I must head off to start replying to comments on the hand-holding Jsquared. OH BOYS.

ETA: OH ALSO! It was my SEVEN YEAR LJ-VERSARY on Monday! :D! :D! I am such an oldie.
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