Jiggety jig!

Aug 09, 2007 20:49

Home again, home again, as they say! The drive was very nice and full of good music because I am clearly the best mix-CD-creator in the world. :D! However, it started POURING rain and I DO NOT LIKE DRIVING IN THE RAIN, so that was sucky.

The exam was meh yesterday, and I have my grade for the second summer term. SIGH. I am not thrilled, but I'm not sad, so. Whatever.

I had this RIDICULOUS OTP crisis yesterday, during which I spiraled into a mess of teeth-gnashing and garment-rending because RPS is all just made up and I actually succeed in deluding myself that it could possibly happen on occasion, and when I emerge from the insanity I am like "WHAT?! THEY ARE ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE WITH ACTUAL LIVES WHO DO NOT ENGAGE IN SCHMOOPY BUTTSEX ON A REGULAR BASIS?!" which is never good for anyone involved. Poor Samface bore the brunt of my hysterics in a series of increasingly dire emails.

I'M OVER IT NOW. :D! You know what helped? spn_harlequin, that is what. I am like. ROLLING IN SCHMOOPY ROMANCE FICS. I approve. The only thing that is missing is a schmoopy romance HOOKERfic. I am going to keep mentioning them until one magically appears, I hope you all realize this.

You know what ELSE helped? BEER. AND LOTS OF IT. And a couple Irish Car Bombs (are drinks capitalized? I never know.) and some really good buffalo wings. It is still novel for me to be able to go out and drink in America, okay? I am easily appeased.

Which reminds me! After my exam yesterday morning, at 10.30 AM, a bunch of my classmates and I went to The Virginian and drank a rather large number of pitchers of Stella Artois. I repeatedly called out "WE RARELY DRINK BEFORE 10, ANYWAY!" and no one ever got it, which was very sad. AND THEN. At one point, someone was relating how their friend has a garden on her deck, and she puts salt rings around the potted plants to keep out the slugs. And I said "OR DEMONS AND EVIL SPIRITS! :D!" and they were all "...um. What?" So of course I had to explain about how salt is a spirit deterrent, etc., and that prompted a discussion about the impact of linguistics on demon lore. And while that was fine and dandy, I was practically EXPLODING with the need to screech about brothersex, and I was lamenting the intellectualists I am now surrounded by, rather than the. Um. Hedonists. I am used to. Blah. These are the same people who had to look up HERMIONE on Wikipedia because our supervisor referenced her in an email (about being in two places at once), and like. No one knew who she was or WTF the email was talking about. *FACEPALM* What are they like.

I am going to go stare at that picture of Jared's ridiculously, obscenely huge peenbulge now. *_* This is clearly more important than writing, which is what I am SUPPOSED to be making myself do. It's just that the style I'm attempting in this thing doesn't come naturally to me, and I keep slipping into a chatty narrative voice when it is supposed to be SPARSE and MEANINGFUL and therefore the whole process is somewhat akin to pulling teeth. Not good. I do, however, have a AAA TourBook of Arizona and New Mexico from one of my family's many past cross-country roadtrips, so at least I am well-informed in re: the setting.

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