I've been tagged by
the_grynne to state 8 facts about myself. So here goes:
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
When I was 14 my school sent my entire class to a trip to the northern most part of Norway. The trip was titled "The church and Military in North Norway" and we spent a week altering between these extremely conservative Lutheran (and Calvinist) churches with lots of brimstone in the sermons, and the many army bases. The latter at one point included presentation in how to take down your enemy with a shovel. All through this there was the midnight sun and hordes of mosquitoes.
I’ve later gone on many travels, including one in South Africa and Namibia, but that school trip is still the most exotic thing I’ve done.
I have a softspot for German Schlager hits. I cannot explain why.
On my mothers side I’m descendant from a long line of rather violent sheep farmers. The family name first appears in a court record from 1398 dealing with a dispute between two cousins who attacked each other with spears. The reasons for the dispute was a woman (also a distant ancestor) who the protocol describes as "The most evil woman ever to have trod upon grass." I think that’s pretty cool.
I’ve driven of the road in the Namib Desert while singing a Norwegian folktune. (the gist of the song is how a man trades his fiddle for a cow, and then regrets it. It’s quite a cheerful little tune.)
The reason I first took art history was because they had included a trip to Rome as part of the low level course. The reason I took the follow up course was because you could take it in its entirety (half a year) in Rome. By the end of that term I had learned some really horrible pidgin-Italian and developed an odd hate/love relationship with Art History. To this day I still love and hate the subject with equal passion. It’s a bit schizophrenic.
I worked four years as a barista at the most trendy coffee shop in town. I was commonly known, even among the customers, as the un-trendy one.
Until I was 17 I did not know how to cook an egg. Discuss. ;)
When I was really young all the other girls wanted a My Little Pony. all I wanted was a Dinobot from Transformes. When Christmas came I quickly unwrapped my gifts - and voila: I had gotten a purple My Little Pony. I’m not saying I turned feminist then and there, but it did make me ponder a lot.
I'm going to break the rules a bit though, and instead be inspired by
winterspel. Meaning I won't tag any one, but if you feel like doing the meme then please do.