[OOC - I’ve just noticed all the nudges and it made me feel bad so I’ve come back to give an explanation. I was going to let Christian hit 6 weeks. He’s someone who I admire greatly as an actor but I just can’t get my head around playing him as a person. I don’t think I could ever do him justice and I’d rather not play him at all than play him half-arsed. Also it’s a time thing. I was going to keep Christian’s friends list small but it didn’t quite work out that way. Although I have a lot of free time this summer, come September things will be chaotic again and I need to make sure that I have my priorities straight.
I’m sorry that this Christian incarnation was so short-lived, I know it must be frustrating. I want to thank everyone who has made me feel wanted and welcome. Too many to name but, if you were nice to Christian, I'm talking about you. I particularly want to apologise to Bryce, because the biggest regret I have about leaving is letting you down.
Anyway this isn’t goodbye because I am somewhere else, I’ve tried to make sure I’m still interacting with some of you there. If anyone wants to play Christian then PM me but I’ll probably go to enter_mbp and give him up at some point anyway so he’ll be up for grabs.]