School... ywan!

Feb 02, 2005 15:05

Hello ladies, how is everyone doing? I’m okay myself, I just feel like dying right now though. The Steppers were HELL today! Well, at least I got a B on it and beat that Janiszewski kid. Ha!
Oh, my gosh, I cannot believe how easy today has been for me. I’ve barely done anything all day. In most of my classes we’ve been just watching movies. It’s so cool. It’s given in me more t hen enough time to read the 2nd MARS book. It was so good; I loved it. Rei and Kira are so adorable together. His so much TALLER then her though…. it reminds me of Joe and me. lol.
Speaking of Joe…. Brandi and her boyfriend (Joey) call Joe my husband lately. They say he and I looked like we were going to ‘our’ wedding the night of the winter dance. I was wearing a white dress and he had dress pants, white shirt, and a tie on. lol. The sad part though… is…. his leaving for France on February 1 7… I cannot believe it… I’m going to miss him so much, his going to be gone for nine days. The only good thing is that he’ll be here for Valentines Day! hehe.
Anyway, last night…. I was suppose to go to a Town Meeting… or so I thought…. when I got there, there was no one else, but Brandi there, and that’s only because she drove. I later found out I went a week early to my meeting. UGH. I was so pissed off. At least the whole night wasn’t a waste… Brandi and I decided that we would go get a PS2 game to get rid of our frustration. Which worked, very well.
When we got home, my dad was there and I found out my dad was staying the night. So, Brandi and I showed him our newest toy, DDR! He thought that was cool. So, we played that for about a half hour… then for two hours Brandi played Harry Potter, and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It’s a cool game, but I didn’t get to play I had homework and unlike Brandi… I decided to do mine! lol. We are such mirror image twins; it’s crazy.
Tonight Christine wants Brandi and I to watch this movie that we barrowed from her a while ago. I think it’s called ‘Once Upon a Time in Mexico?’ I’m not too sure though, I did hear it’s good… so I just might watch it. lol.
Anyway, progress reports are going out on Friday… I think? I donno so don’t quote me. lol. I HOPE I’m doing alright in ALL my classes… otherwise my Mom is going to KILL me. lol. I’m not to sure if I really care though, because I don’t care about school lately. I wish I could have just graduated early. I wish my Mom would have let me. Then I would be done here and working making my own money. Okay working is a dirty word and I hate it, but at least I would be getting paid for my work. Not like here… and I hate having to deal with all these jackass all the damn time. So many people here piss me off. Ugh. I hate it here.
Well, I only have fourteen minutes until the bell and I still have to print out my paper and get my things together. I’m sure I’ll be posting again soon though. Until then….. later skaters.
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