Oct 22, 2008 10:42
Here's why I'm excited about voting on election day. Hokey as it sounds, it's the one day where I actually feel a connection with every inbred redneck, wine-sipping elitist, joeplumbersixpack, spoiled celebutante, dumb as a box of rocks moron, genius ivory-tower dweller, saint and reprobate, southern baptist, black muslim, fellow kike, and every other flawed fucker that makes up this amazing chaotic country.
Seriously, I may be white but I'm Jewish and that fact alone makes me feel separate most days from what so many refer to as a christian nation. Others may not see it that way amd it's not always on a conscious level, but I do feel it. Not on election day. Regardless of the things that separate us, that day unites us.
People talk about voting early cause of how long the lines will be. Truthfully, when the voting is in every polling precinct and they are fully staffed, I don't believe it will be nearly as long a wait as people are experiencing for early voting, but I kind of hope it is. So what if it's a 4 hour marathon? While I am no gung-ho believer in our presence in Iraq, I keep thinking of that footage of the Iraquis who have lost thousands of people to this conflict, heading out on foot under threat of bombings and gunfire to actually cast a vote. All those ink smeared thumbs up to the cameras.
Yeah, I can stand in line for 4 hours. I'll stand there grinning like an idiot.
Plus, I'll bring my iPod.