The odd happenings of the real world :)

Feb 04, 2003 02:34

I found out today that I have essentially lost my job which is rather humorous since I was going to loose my job by choice this week either way. The funny part of this story is how I lost my job. Ok a little background for those who I don't talk to all that often, I work for IHOP (International House of Pancakes). I started working there about three months ago and at my interview I made a rather bad mistake I volunteered to fill a hosting position, I'm kind of a nice guy and wanted to help them out so that’s what I did. I was actually hired as a server and was only supposed to be a host for upwards of two weeks tops. Well that didn't work out I've been hosting pretty much straight through the last three months, only serving when they absolutely needed me to do so. Well hosting might be fine for your typical high schooler but eight dollars an hour really doesn't cut it when you have actual bills and a load of debt that wouldn't be bad to finally bid rid off. Add to that the fact that the job is possibly the worst job I've ever filled.
Ok, back to the point of this post, I haven't technically been fired but rather just not scheduled for any hours and this is why. Last week I worked Monday and Tuesday those are the only two days I was scheduled to work because I requested Thursday through Sunday off to help my Aunt move to Elk River.
The problem arises from Wednesday my boss neglected to schedule me on Wednesday and as a point of fact he neglected to schedule anyone to fill my hours on Wednesday mostly because he's a dumb ass but that’s another matter entirely. Tuesday afternoon he approached me and asked me to work for him on Wednesday I politely declined he then continued to ask me to work on Wednesday and I steadily became more adamant that, that wasn't going to happen, he finally gave up in a huff. I thought that would be the end of it, but as a result of my refusal to work a day I was scheduled to have off I've now been basically fired by means of not scheduling me. Now you should know that my boss is probably about 40 not 4 which his behavior more closely resembles.
I found this whole scenario to be extremely amusing, mostly because I hate the job in the first place. Well that’s about it for now I hope people who read this find it worth at least a chuckle god knows I've been laughing on and off all night about it
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