This stared as a minor response to posty54 but you know I have lots of time :)

Jun 28, 2001 20:04

agree with what you have to say on the matter except with women who are husband hunting more than likely are happy because that is how they were raised and unfortunately that's all they know, they don't know how to be happier it ends up being a matter of perspective we look at them and say how could u be truly happy they look at us and think we must be miserable its just a mind set that they were bred into I'd like to say that they were programmed more or less into those beliefs but that's just cause I have serious issues with organized religion as a whole and I do much as you do ask questions especially of those who have blind faith like this girl bonnie I know who flat out refuses to even consider the possibility that any of the key scientific theories have any merit such as evolution which is a hard sell for many religious people I understand but they are other things that are happening around smaller things that we notice in out lifetime like extinctions take for example the dinosaurs I asked her once why god would allow that to happen her response was how do you know dinosaurs aren't around anymore just cause no one has seen one doesn't mean they don't still exist that argument frustrates me to no end the other argument that really gets me is that it was all part of the divine plan its a catch 22 how do you argue against the divine plan you can't its impossible there is no amount of evidence or theory that can disprove a divine plan
Now since I seem to be ranting or rambling take your pick I'd like to throw out my newest argument against religion as a whole its more of statement followed by an opinion but here goes
Its extremely like that everyone who reads this had a class in high school called Greek mythology now I never thought to ask this questions when I was in school but why is it all called Greek mythology the answer is because there isn't anyone left to believe but when Rome controlled 2/3s or the worlds population they believed it wasn't mythology now I don't have figures but I don't think that 66 percent of the world today is Buddhist I may be wrong but just off of pure percentages never has there been a time when more people believed in the same thing yet today its mythology for a few reason the first I've already mentioned there isn't anyone left to believe their empires were conquered and such the other reason is by far my favorite their religion was tangible they believed that their gods and goddesses could drop by from time to time you can imagine the power that would have over others if you believed that if you fucked up to badly Zeus would come down from the clouds and shove a lighting bolt right up your ass you'd probably try to stay in line as best you could I believe that in say 500 hundred years every student will be coming home with their Christian mythology home work and they will look at one another and say how horrible ignorant of them why did they believe in these things much as we do today about Greek mythology...that was not an attempt to offend anyone just an opinion
As a society every generation becomes more cynical than the last when it comes to religion very few hardliners still think that the sun rising in the morning has anything to do with divine inspiration but for more than a millennia that was the only explanation for the sun rising it couldn't be explained in any other way why would you have reason to question it. Christianity has been in a sharp decline for the past century and I think it will lose its grip entirely when death can be more accepted and explained people don't want to die self preservation is instinctual but if you have to die it would be nice to know that its not over you have your after life to look forward to unfortunately no one has come back from the dead and said so guys here is whets up with this so until our society becomes so cynical in regard to religion that people start asking you mean I have to believe in the rest of this religion to get the one thing I want from it? Hopefully when that happiness people will start living their lives not for the end result but for the betterment of humanity
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